The Cyberneum

The Cyberneum

The Cyberneum used to be a state-of-the-art research center at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. The Cyberneum featured unique motion simulators equipped with sophisticated Virtual Reality (VR) systems that provided unprecedented possibilities to study human perception and human-machine interactions. With the closure of the "Perception, Cognition and Action" department at the end of 2021, the Cyberneum also came to an end in its original form. The simulators listed here are no longer in the building.

The CyberMotion Simulator

The CyberMotion Simulator

The Cyberneum contained the most advanced motion simulators in the world. The CyberMotionSimulator (CMS) was mounted on a twelve meter long linear axis. This flight and driving simulator had further seven different swivel joints, which could be controlled independently of each other. This allowed it not only to cover a large working area, but also to realistically reproduce motion impressions and longer accelerations.

The CableRobot Simulator

The CableRobot Simulator

Another unique motion simulator was the CableRobot simulator developed here at the institute, a motion simulator suspended on ropes that enables flexible and highly realistic motion sequences. The prototype was used in perception and cognition research.

The CyberPod

The CyberPod

With the CyberPod we combined virtual reality technologies with moving-base motion simulators. This platform could be moved in six degrees of freedom thanks to its actuated legs.

The CableRobot Simulator
The in-house developed novel CableRobot Simulator was capable of generating unique motion trajectories using - as its name suggests - a cable suspension system. This prototype was used in perception and cognition research.
The CyberMotion Simulator
The MPI CyberMotion Simulator was developed at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics as a novel alternative to traditional  motion simulators. It was based on a commercial six-axes serial robot originally designed for use in industries as manipulator.
In order to simulate realistic virtual environments and provide the illusion of moving through those environments, scientists in the Cyberneum have so far used a variety of different hardware setups and software libraries.
Virtual Reality equipment enables scientists to provide sensory stimulus in a controlled Virtual World and to manipulate or alter sensory input which would not be possible in the real world.
Cyberneum Videos
Browse the selection of videos and get an impression of our research.
How does a flying car feel?From the technological vision to the user-friendly control system
(German only)
In this article, Prof. Bülthoff explains the technical challenges we face and the role that perception research plays in this process.
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