Max Planck scientists develop cost-efficient medical imaging method

A project that combines low-field magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarization will be presented at the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on July 5


Pupil dilation decreases with age

Poor lighting conditions can reduce quality of life more

From dawdling to doing: the science of procrastination

Understanding why we delay tasks may help reclaim productivity more

Cybernetics and Neural Systems

The Intertwined Research Journey of AI and Neuroscience

Norbert Wiener – the man who established the field of cybernetics – also laid the groundwork for today’s prosperity of Artificial Intelligence more

Research at the interface between mind and gut

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics expands research focus and board of directors more

Applied Vision Association (AVA) honors his pioneering work in fields of human vision and non-visual physiology

ERC Starting Grant for Eric Schulz to investigate self-learning AI systems

Research program aims to examine self-motivated learning of Artificial Intelligence

 The secret of beauty 

 The secret of beauty 

July 21, 2023

What people find beautiful is highly individual. Aenne Brielmann and her team at the Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics want to know how the perception of beauty comes about and what effect environmental design has on our well-being.  more

Franziska Bröker, PhD graduate at the Department of Computational Neurosciences at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London, receives the Otto Hahn Medal for her outstanding doctoral thesis on the role of feedback in human learning. Each year, the Max Planck Society honors up to 30 young scientists for their exceptional work which they achieved with their dissertation at a Max Planck Institute. Today, the medal will be presented during a formal ceremony at the annual meeting of the Max Planck Society in Göttingen, Germany. 

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